Top five weirdest car names

There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to naming cars, some names are market-specific, some more worldly and some just plain made up.

Car companies’ marketing teams spend a lot of time and research into finding words that reflect the character or heritage of the car. Lamborghini names its products after famous bulls, while Volkswagen went through a stage of named vehicles after winds, such as Bora and Scirocco.

Then there are times when you know that the marketing department is having a bad day, has just given up, randomly picked names out of hat or the meaning is lost in translation.

Here are five of the weirdest car names in no particular weird order.

Volkswagen Thing

Volkswagen can be forgiven for naming this WWII era vehicle.     Photo: Supplied

Volkswagen can be forgiven for naming this WWII era vehicle. Photo: Supplied

The person responsible for naming this VW must have been having a bad day and skipped their morning coffee as this name is probably as uninspiring as they come. In their defence, it was during WWII so they were probably a little preoccupied.

Mazda Bongo Friendee

Say what? We get the Bongo bit, but Friendee?     Photo: Supplied

Say what? We get the Bongo bit, but Friendee? Photo: Supplied

This was definitely a “pulling words out of a hat” session when it came to name this van. Sure, we get the Mazda Bongo in New Zealand as a Japanese import, but the “Friendee” part is new. And can someone tell me what “friendee” means?

AMC Gremlin

Now, what where the three rules when owning a Gremlin?      Photo: Supplied

Now, what where the three rules when owning a Gremlin? Photo: Supplied

No, this isn’t named after the title creature from the 1984 film instead American company AMC named this car after a “mischievous sprite regarded as responsible for an unexplained mechanical problem or fault”. Well, at least you know what you’re buying.

Mitsubishi Mini Active Urban Sandal

Well, at least it’s cute and maybe is the size of the mouse.   Photo: Supplied

Well, at least it’s cute and maybe is the size of the mouse. Photo: Supplied

You can’t have a “weird car name list” without a Mitsubishi in it. There’s the infamous Pajero that couldn’t be sold in Spain as it means a work rhyming with “banking”, if you get my drift. But the Mitsubishi MAUS is an acronym for the Mini Active Urban Sandal. Yes, Sandal.

Honda Life Dunk

We think Rock Bottom was taken when it came to naming this car.    Photo: Supplied

We think Rock Bottom was taken when it came to naming this car. Photo: Supplied

This is both the weirdest name – and the most depressing. Honda must have ruled out “Rock Bottom” and “Totally Loser” as badge ideas. And imagine what it would be like to own one, or telling someone your car’s name. “You own a Life Dunk? Mate, you need a beer or two”.


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